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Habitat for Humanity of Fond du Lac County Announces Rock the Block Event 

Neighbors living in the city’s Hamilton Park district will team up with volunteers this fall to revitalize their homes and yards through a Habitat for Humanity program offered for the first time locally. The program is a collaboration through which residents play a key role in determining what’s needed to improve the quality of life where they live. “Imagine when hundreds of your closest friends, family and community members join in around this neighborhood, come together, and lift it up through exterior home repairs, yard and street clean up, landscaping, painting — the list goes on,” said Katie Karls, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Fond du Lac County. 

The two-day event set for Aug 27 and 28 targets the Hamilton Street and Forest Avenue areas of the central city. Volunteers and staff will work in shifts to complete exterior home repair and preservation projects for low-income homeowners, as well as community projects that improve and beautify the neighborhood and surrounding homes. 

At Rock the Block events, residents, municipalities, and community partners collaborate with Habitat in targeted neighborhoods during a concentrated period of time to complete exterior home repair and preservation projects for low-income homeowners, and community projects to improve and beautify the neighborhood surrounding the homes. 

For families to succeed, sometimes the dynamics of their neighborhood have to change. Neighborhood Revitalization is a holistic approach that expands Habitat’s traditional partnership with new homeowners and volunteers to include neighbors and local organizations for a far greater impact. 

While new home construction continues to play a vital role, a bigger toolbox that includes repairs and other services allows Habitat to serve more families. Neighborhood Revitalization starts at the grassroots level — with people in the community determining the goals for their neighborhood. 

Goals for Neighborhood Revitalization include serving more families through an expanded array of housing products; demonstrating an improved quality of life in the communities where we serve; broadening the base of Habitat’s financial support and increasing volunteer participation. 


Rock the Block | A Program of Neighborhood Revitalization 

Here’s a guide to the basics, and information on how YOU can be a part of transforming communities and improving lives here in Fond du Lac County.  

What is Rock the Block? 

Rock the Block takes place in targeted neighborhoods for a concentrated period of time, focusing on exterior home repair and preservation projects for low-income homeowners, and community projects to improve and beautify the neighborhood surrounding the homes. 

Rock the Block showcases Habitat’s Neighborhood Revitalization program, which brings people together to improve the quality of life in targeted neighborhoods.  Neighborhood revitalization will look different in each target neighborhood based on the needs and interests of the residents.  Beyond the Rock the Block program, residents in targeted neighborhoods will also be given access to Habitat’s home repair program providing critical home repairs, weatherization, and larger-scale home preservation work.  

Rock the Block events will likely occur in a targeted neighborhoods where whole house rehabilitation and new construction are already underway or planned for the near future. By offering a mix of housing solutions, we can work with residents and community partners to truly transform neighborhoods in need. 

Why Rock the Block? 

It’s a path for residents, organizations, volunteers, and Habitat for Humanity to come together to assist low-income residents, maintain home ownership rates, improve the housing stock, and increase neighborhood pride. 

What Does Rock the Block Look Like? 

Imagine hundreds of your closest friends, family, and community members circling around this neighborhood, coming together and lifting it up through exterior home repairs, park clean ups,  landscaping, painting, and more! 

Who’s Involved? 

Rock the Block is a true collaboration involving residents, municipalities, local businesses, schools, faith communities, and other non-profits. The residents will play a key role in determining what’s needed to improve the quality of life where they live. Community partners will vary based on the needs and interests of the residents. 

How Can You Learn More? 

Contact Emily Arthur by email at [email protected] 

How Do I Volunteer for Rock the Block?  

To volunteer for this event, click Volunteer Link .  

Available Shifts: 

Friday, August 27th 

Morning shift will be from 8:00am to 11:30am 

Lunch 11:30-12:30 

Afternoon shift will be from 12:30 to 4:00pm 

Saturday, August 28th 

Morning shift will be from 8:00am to 11:30am (wrapping up projects) 

Lunch 11:30 – 12:30 

Afternoon shift will be from 12:30pm to 3:00pm (clean up) 

*Lunch is open to all registered volunteers.